Please read completely! before completing the form…


We are super thrilled you are interested in a Karma Yogi position (KYP) with us! This program is something our owners hold near and dear to their hearts, as this program has given the opportunity of continued practice to so many. Given the current state of the world we are committed more than ever before to keep this program alive and available to those experiencing financial difficulty. Hard times should not be an excuse to stop taking care of your mind, body, & spirit!

Please note that positions are not always available and we require a 6-month commitment before approving any application. We are dedicated to providing a lasting space for you to practice your yoga and look to add people to our KYP who are as equally interested in committing their time to our community.

We also ask that you practice regularly (min 1x week)! This keeps you in the studio and in the community and reminds you about what you’re participating in (and why)!

Any and all shifts are a weekly commitment of 2-3hrs. Most shifts are after the studio closes (6pm-9pm start time), so please keep that in mind when giving us your availability.

Thank you for being here and for being you!

Stay Strong!

Elements Yoga Team