Please read…
As a member, you can cancel your membership at anytime after the first three months have been completed. All contracts are auto-renewing and require cancellation by the member. Cancellations require a thirty (30) day notice prior to your billing date.
Elements Hot Yoga makes exceptions for the following circumstances; military leave, pregnancy, or medical disability. In these instances, we will waive the thirty (30) day cancellation policy if notified 48hrs prior to the automatic payment date. If your cancellation request falls within these categories, please provide sufficient documentation to support this form. For example: a doctor’s note, copy of your transfer, or deployment orders.
Please review the following cancellation policy prior to submitting a cancellation request.
I understand my membership will be cancelled if I submit the web cancellation online form at least thirty (30) days prior to my next automatic payment. Membership cancellations are based on your billing date.
A confirmation e-mail will be sent confirming the successful submission of my request. Then, a staff member will email a final confirmation that my cancellation has been processed and the dates the cancellation is effective. I understand that I cannot cancel my membership while it is on hold/suspended. Elements Hot Yoga does not pro-rate refunds or allow extensions and/or transfers for a suspended membership.